How Long Does It Typically Take To Install A New Shopfront?

Aluminium ShopFront

The timeline for installing a new Aluminium Shopfront can vary depending on several factors, but at Direct Shopfront, we strive to provide efficient and timely service. On average, the process can take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks from initial consultation to completion. 

Here’s a breakdown of the typical timeline:

Initial Consultation and Design (1-2 Weeks): 

The first step involves discussing your requirements, preferences, and any specific design elements you want. During this period, our team will also conduct a site survey to assess the space and identify any potential challenges. Based on this information, we’ll create detailed design proposals and obtain your approval.

Planning and Permissions (2-4 Weeks): 

If planning permission or listed building consent is required, this can add time to the overall process. We’ll handle the application and liaise with local authorities to ensure compliance with all regulations. The duration of this stage depends on the complexity of the permissions needed.

Manufacturing (1-3 Weeks): 

Once designs are approved, we move on to the manufacturing phase. This involves fabricating the shopfront components, including frames, glass, and signage. The time required for manufacturing depends on the complexity and customization of the design.

Installation (1-2 Weeks): 

Installation typically takes 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the size and complexity of the shopfront. Our skilled team will carefully install the shopfront, ensuring that everything is aligned correctly and functions smoothly.

Final Checks and Touch-ups (1 Week): 

After installation, we conduct final inspections to ensure everything meets quality standards. Any necessary touch-ups or adjustments are made during this period.By working with Direct Shopfront, you benefit from a streamlined process and professional service, ensuring that your new shopfront is installed efficiently and to the highest standards.

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